Robot Devastation
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions
rd Namespace Reference

The main, catch-all namespace for Robot Devastation.


 Contains classes related to unit testing.


class  AudioManager
 Music and sound effects manager. More...
class  DeadScreen
 A User Interface. More...
class  DeadState
 Game Dead State. More...
class  FiniteStateMachine
 Class implementing a finite state machine. More...
class  GameScreen
 A User Interface. More...
class  GameState
 Game State. More...
class  ImageEventListener
 Interface for objects that can be notified of events related to images. More...
class  ImageManager
 Generic image input manager. More...
class  InitScreen
 A User Interface. More...
class  InitState
 Game Initial State. More...
class  InputEventListener
 Interface for objects that can be notified of input events by the InputManager. More...
class  InputManager
 User input manager (keyboard, mouse, joysticks, etc) More...
class  Key
 Class that represents a keyboard key. More...
class  ManagerHub
 A classs to interface all the robotDevastation managers. As some classes, such as the game states, require require interfacing with all the managers to access their functionallity, this class was created. It simplifies the code, as by simple inheritance any class can have simple access to all the required managers. More...
class  MentalMap
 Mental map is a repository for information about the players, targets and weapons. More...
class  MentalMapEventListener
 Interface for objects that can be notified of events related to changes on the data stored. More...
class  MockAudioManager
 Mock music and sound effects manager for testing purposes. More...
class  MockImageEventListener
 Dummy ImageEventListener used for testing. More...
class  MockImageManager
 Image input manager based in YARP. More...
class  MockInputEventListener
 Mock object that receives and stores key presses, mainly for testing purposes. More...
class  MockInputManager
 Allows to simulate input from a user programatically (mainly for test purposes) More...
class  MockNetworkEventListener
 Dummy NetworkEventListener used for testing. More...
class  MockNetworkManager
 Allow for low-level access of members in tests / manipulating internal data. More...
class  MockRobotManager
 The Robot Manager for testing. More...
class  MockScreen
 A User Interface for testing purposes. More...
class  MockState
 Dummy State for testing. More...
class  NetworkEventListener
 Interface for objects that can be notified of input events by the NetworkManager. More...
class  NetworkManager
 Manages the communications between the user and the RobotDevastation network. More...
class  Player
 Class that represents a player of this game, with a 'unique' id, name, health, team id and score. More...
class  ProcessorImageEventListener
 ProcessorImageEventListener used for processing. More...
class  RobotDevastation
 The parent Robot Devastation class of the robotDevastation program. More...
class  RpcResponder
 RPC broadcast port. More...
class  Screen
 A User Interface. More...
class  ScreenManager
 Manage game screens. More...
class  SDLAudioManager
 Music and sound effects manager using SDL libraries. More...
class  SDLEventFactory
 Factory class that provides static methods for instantiating SDL event source classes. More...
class  SDLInputManager
 User input manager (keyboard, mouse, joysticks, etc) using SDL. More...
class  SDLScreenManager
 Manage game screens using SDL libraries. More...
class  Server
 The parent Robot Devastation class of the rdServer program. More...
class  State
 Base class for each of the states of a FiniteStateMachine. More...
class  StateDirector
 A base class for controlling flow of States of a Finite State Machine. More...
class  StateMachineBuilder
 Class that helps with the creation of FiniteStateMachine. More...
class  Target
 Class that represents a target detected. This target is (or should be) associated to a player. More...
class  Vector2dBase
 Class representing a 2D vector. More...
class  Weapon
 Class that represents a weapon. More...
class  WindowEvent
 Class that represents a window event. More...
class  YarpImageManager
 Image input manager based in YARP. More...
class  YarpLocalImageManager
 Image input manager based in YARP. More...
class  YarpNetworkManager
 Manages the communications between the user and the Server using YARP. More...
class  YarpStateDirector
 StateDirector based on YARP, creates a separate thread. More...


typedef yarp::sig::ImageOf< yarp::sig::PixelRgb > Image
typedef Vector2dBase< int > Vector2d
 Default 2D vector.


SDL_Surface * RdImage2SDLImage (const Image &image)
bool initSDL ()
bool cleanupSDL ()